Traveling to Maui doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are ten practical tips to help you save money while enjoying your trip:

Rent a Condo – Opt for a condo instead of a fancy resort. You can share a two-bedroom condo with friends for about half the cost of one room in a big resort.  Just make sure they’re licensed, permitted vacation rentals.

Maui condos

Eat In – If your accommodation includes a kitchen, you can save a lot by preparing your meals. Eat breakfast and lunch at your condo and make sandwiches for the road. Stop by Costco or a local grocery store for supplies. Consider having a few BBQs instead of dining out every night.

eating in Maui

Plan Plenty of Beach Days – The beach is free, and many beach activities are affordable. Snorkeling gear can be rented for a small daily fee, allowing you to enjoy Maui’s underwater beauty without spending a lot.

Kapalua Maui Beaches

Watch the Airline Prices – Some airlines offer incredible last-minute deals to Hawaii. Sign up for their mailing lists to catch these deals.


Rent an Economy Car – Gas is more expensive in Hawaii than most other States, and you will be driving a lot. Save on gas and rental costs by choosing an economy car.

car rental Maui

Best Activities at Best Prices – Don’t dropall your money on a helicopter ride.  If you want to see Maui from above, spend a fraction you would on a flight and take a bike ride down Haleakala

Self Guided Express Bike Ride

Get Up Early – Maui is best enjoyed during the day. Rising early allows you to make the most of daytime activities and enjoy less expensive dinners. You’ll also avoid crowds and have a more relaxed experience.

early on Maui

Limit Your Bar Tab – While it’s illegal to drink on the beaches in Maui, you can still save money by buying drinks at a store and enjoying them at your accommodation. Make cocktails at home to avoid expensive bar tabs.

bar tab Maui

Buy Small Souvenirs – Instead of splurging on large, expensive items like a six-foot-tall wooden tiki god, opt for smaller souvenirs from local shops or boutiques. These make great gifts for friends and family without taking a big bite out of your budget.

Maui souvenirs

Be Smart When Eating Out – For the same price of 2 meals at Mama’s Fish House or Morimoto’s you can feed 10 people a few times over at a local spot.  Ask locals for the ono grindz, and you’ll likely find yourself in a hole in the wall that you’ll love!

Maui restaurants

By following these tips, you can enjoy all that Maui has to offer without spending a fortune.

Hawaii Ecotourism Association’s mission is to protect Hawaii’s unique, natural environment and host culture through the promotion of responsible travel and educational programs.

The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is dedicated to advancing the profession of heritage interpretation and facilitating the stories of our natural and cultural resources.